Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Липсващи страници от "Възвишение" на Милен Русков

Ако и вие сте като мен, то тогава сте закупили дефектен екземпляр на великолепната книга на Милен Русков "Възвишение". Аз успях да се сдобия с тези страници в елекронен вид и ги публикувам тук.

Връзка към всички липсващи страници

Страниците са с номера 18-19, 22-23, 26-27 и 30-31.

Pages 30-31

Приятно четене!


If you are missing pages from the book Vazvishenie by Milen Ruskov and if they happen to be with the numbers mentioned above then you can download them following the links above.

"ВЪЗВИШЕНИЕ" - Милен Русков

Привърших днес книгата "ВЪЗВИШЕНИЕ" на Милен Русков. Голямо удоволствие ми достави. Искам да изкажа благодарността си на автора за положения неимоверен труд и да я препоръчам на всеки българин!

Също така искам да се оплача от книжарница "Български книжици" чрез чийто уеб сайт купих възвишение от САЩ. (
Екземплярът който ми изпратиха имаше няколко празни, липсващи страници. Как може една книга да имат да пращат за Америка и те да пратят дефектно издание?

Може би не съм прав, да обвинявам книжарницата. Със сигурност вина имат издателството и печатницата (Издателство: Жанет 45).

От друга страна "Български книжици" бяха много любезни и услужливи. Изпълниха поръчката много бързо и после ми изпратиха сканираните липсващи страници за което им благодаря.

И тъй - купете си и прочетете книгата "ВЪЗВИШЕНИЕ" на Милен Русков да ся возвишите!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

After several months of trying to contact the people behind to cancel my subscription I finally did it through paypal. I tried contacting them via telephone, Skype, Yahoo Messenger and e-mail and never received any response.

Bottomline: Stay away from

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I finally cancelled my Netflix subscription. At 15 minutes before midnight on Aug 31.
I agree that it was a good deal but the streaming offering was pretty scant.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Colbert Super PAC

I just contributed $25.00 to support Colbert Super PAC! Help him today:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

AF447 Disaster

I've been reading almost daily on the Air France Flight 447 crash ever since the new report was published on July 29, 2011.

Fascinating how three experienced pilots did not realize that airplane was in a stall and falling from the sky fast. There is a great thread on if you are interested.
While reading it I had problems figuring out many of the technical acronyms.
Here are my findings so far:

THS - Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
AoA - Angle of Attack

There are a lot more things that I don't understand.

Here is a very interesting spreadsheet mapping the events and the data from the voice and data recorders.

Uploaded with

Thursday, July 21, 2011

2 more unwanted e-mails from alleged companies

#1 from Internap []
Subject: New Infographic: The Cost of Poor Website Performance

© 2011 Internap Network Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

#2 From: Amanda Parsley []
Subject: Prevent undetected web attacks at [my company name here]

This email was sent by: Everything Channel
550 Cochituate Road
Framingham, MA, 01701, US

Blog: SecureAuth IEP First 2-factor STS, so why should you care?

Another bulletin I never subscribed to.
It is coming from SecureAuth Corporation []

8965 Research Drive, Irvine, CA 92618 - (949) 777-6959

Spam Bulletins

Are you getting tons of bulleting you never signed up for?
I am and don't know how to get rid of them. Should I click unsubscribe?
I just got another on the subject of Cloud Computing:

From: Cloud Computing Bulletin []
Subject: The 6 Must-Have Components of Cloud Computing Success

eMedia Communications LLC
2000 Clearwater Drive, Oak Brook, IL 60523. USA.
Toll free: 800-782-6167 e-mail:

I get  a few Cloud Computing e-mails every day. Then there are the IP Telephony ones ...
Who signed me up and why?